Additional Products

We have pulled together a few of our favourite things to offer our FlyCo Community. These products either compliment your regular FlyCo treatment, or just something enviro cool that we love!

If you would like to purchase anything please call 1800 815 730, or send us an enquiry with the products you require.

Products now AVAILABLE

Rodents – Most of us HATE these creatures, that are a pest! They cause extensive damage and not to mention the disease and germs they spread. All of our rodent stations are made from 100% recycled plastic, these stations are tamper resistant and come with a key.

Natures Botanical 50g - $15

Small Bait Station - $15

Baited with highly palatable rodenticide. Locked and secure. Ideal for mice and internal use.

Large Rodent Station - $40

Baited with highly palatable rodenticide. Locked and secure. Ideal for rats and external use.

Fly Catcher - $35

Great to hang around the perimeter of entertaining areas or in sheds where flies are problematic.

Pantry Moth Traps - $15

To be placed in pantries. Glue board trap with pheromones to attract pantry moth.

Liquid Bait - $20

To be placed in wasp dome trap. Use liquid sparingly to last longer.

Dome Wasp Trap - $25

Ideal to hang in a tree to attract wasps away from your patio/entertaining area. Trap does not include attractant. Great for European wasps!

Cockroach Trap and Monitor - $5

Great for the odd cockroach in the kitchen. To be placed in cupboards or under sink. Glue board style with attracting pheromones. Can be used in larger commercial situations to monitor activity levels.

Fruit Fly Trap - $5

To be hung around your precious fruit trees. Glue board style with attracting pheromones.

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