I’ve booked my house in for a rodent only treatment

We here at Green Pesty want to ensure you get the most from your Green Pesty Rodent treatment. As you are familiar we use products that have been selected to reduce the use of toxic chemicals around your home. We have explored many options when it comes to approaching rodent activity. Our qualified technician will assess your property for rodent activity and provide any suggestions to help improve your control or prevention of rodent breeding around your home.

If your technician determines that setting up rodent bait stations as beneficial – he will establish the volume required and inform you of the frequency of follow up visits to help ensure the rodent breeding is interrupted. Before your technician arrives

  • Please ensure all pets (cats/ dogs) are restrained for the duration of the appointment
  • Please make note of your recent rodent observations to better inform the technician on
    the day
  • Depending on the severity of the rodent problem it make take a few weeks for the breeding and activity
    to reduce
  • Your technician will inform you if you are likely to require a follow up visit Please don’t hesitate to call our office if you have any more queries about your rodent treatment 1800 815730

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